Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Health Butler is a comprehensive health management platform sitting on an ecosystem that is designed to provide a single source where all your health-related information and data can be stored and retrieved easily. The platform allows you to track your health metrics, manage prescription and the consumption schedules and many more. 
Purchase & Licensing
Unfortunately, Health Butler is available on a subscription basis, offering you the flexibility to subscribe for one month, six months, or a full year, whichever suits your needs best. Should you choose to pause or cancel your subscription at any time, rest assured that your Personal Wellness Plan will automatically downgraded to our Personal Wellness Lite Plan. 
Connectivity & Privacy
Yes, the product provides customisable alerts and notifications for medication reminders, doctor's appointments, and health measurements. These notifications help you stay organised and on track with your health management routines.
Health Butler prioritises user privacy by allowing the use of a nickname for access without requiring personally identifiable information like identification card numbers or home addresses. Exceptions to data privacy include collecting month and year of birth for specific calculations and using gender for gender-dependent thresholds and guidelines.
You can access your data via your account on on most devices such as your mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop and more as long as you have an internet connection.
Insurance – This feature works like the Folder feature on your computer. It allows you to file the insurance policies that your loved one has, including the name of the insurance company, policies number, insurance agent’s name and contact number. There is no more guesswork required, or tedious physical searching for any possible insurance policies. This is useful especially when your loved one meet with an unexpected medical condition, either in his/her native country or while travelling overseas e.g. going into a coma arising from an accident or suffered a stroke. The caregiver can retrieve the information here and contact the relevant insurance companies if the insurance policy provides coverage for medical expenses. This may also offload some of the financial burden from the caregiver.

Knowledgebase – This feature allows you to store any documents, video files, and pictures that you deem important to be filed as part of your loved one’s medical profile for future references.

Documents – You can scan and file all the medical reports e.g. MRI/CT Scan reports, hospital’s discharge summary, blood test results, doctor’s memo, referral letters, medical tax invoices, CPF withdrawal for medical expense (for SGP only) etc. that you deem important to be kept as part the filing of your loved one’s medical history. You may also include information on medical procedures that are given out prior to the medical procedure that your loved one has to undergo, or any research papers/materials on your loved one’s disease/illness that the caregiver finds useful for future references. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) prescriptions that come in written Chinese can also be scanned and stored here. Video files – There are instances where your loved one needs to perform certain self-helped tasks at home e.g. daily insulin injections for diabetic patients, physical wound cleaning and dressing after an accident, cleaning the catheter around the skin for patients with certain cancer types and those with urinary catheter, etc. The caregiver may take a video of the procedure and store in here. Pictures – This function allows you to store pictures that you think are useful to the provision of the healthcare services to loved one. For example, a picture of a medical device, the picture of a particular medicine, the dressing of a physical wound, etc.

Additional Useful Feature – For each of these documents, video files, and pictures that you store in the Health Butler, you can link them to the entries you have created in DOCTOR’S VISIT. This will provide a more complete view of all the materials that were shared about your loved one from any visit to the doctor.

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